When doing my research, I stumbled across a campaign that served as my inspiration for this project. I would like to give credit to the poster and artist that inspired me. I was unable to find the name of the artist, but to the right is an image of the poster.
Image description: The image to the right shows six grey figures clothed in black outfits with varying degrees of skin exposed. The entire image is in different shades of grey and black. All of the figures are faceless. From top left to bottom right, the clothing descriptions are as follows: a black low cut dress with chest, shoulders, arms, and legs exposed; a short sleeve top and mini skirt with arms, a sliver of stomach, and legs exposed; a sweetheart-style long gown with long gloves with the chest and shoulders exposed; a bra and underwear with chest, stomach, arms, shoulders, and legs exposed; a full-length dress covering all skin except the head; a completely naked figure. Underneath each figure is the caption "NOT ASKING FOR IT" written in black. At the bottom of the poster is the caption "RAPE IS NEVER THE VICTIM'S FAULT" with the word "rape" in bold and in larger font than the other words and the word "never" underlined and in the same large font as the word "rape."
“The Disability Community & Sexual Violence.” Sexual Assault & Disability: The Statistics, now.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Disabled-Women-Sexual-Violence-4.pdf.
“Sexual Assault on College Campuses Is Common.” Womenshealth.gov, 13 Sept. 2018, www.womenshealth.gov/relationships-and-safety/sexual-assault-and-rape/college-sexual-assault.
“Statistics About Sexual Assault.” National Sexual Assault Resource Center, 2015, www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf.
“Statistics.” RAINN, rainn.org/statistics.